
Human Trafficking

Page history last edited by Charis 15 years, 4 months ago

The Problems of Human Trafficking:



Human trafficking is a global problem, which means that no country, developed or undeveloped, is immune to it. Human trafficking is the form of modern day slavery. Each year millions of women and children, even a small percentile of men, are abducted or recruited from 127 countries, transported through transit regions and end up in one of 137 countries. Today over 27 million people are enslaved through ought the world. The cost of a human has decreased since 1850 when an African slave used to be worth 40,000 dollars. An Indian child today can be bought for 35 dollars, Eastern European woman can be bought for 500 dollars and a Brazilian agricultural laborer for 100 dollars. (Gemmel, Nico)



Causes of Human Trafficking:


(Human Trafficking Picture)


An entire range of different conditions and issues cause human trafficking. These issues include:



Lack of Awareness: Many people who migrate for work around countries are unaware of the dangers of trafficking and the ways in which the workers are victimized into slavery. Having more awareness would decrease the percentages of people who are being deceived substantially.



Poverty: People who are living in terrible conditions or do not have the money necessary to survive. Many people have had to rent out their labor in exchange for little money to try to pay off a debt or a loan.



Material Expectations: The wanting of products or higher expectations of living provokes migration and makes people more vulnerable to human trafficking.



Lack of Education: People with limited amount of knowledge or opportunities are more prone to human trafficking by migrating to other places for unskilled work.



Corruption and Weak Enforcement of Laws: This issue is an important part of the causes of human trafficking. Traffickers often bribe law enforcement and immigration officials to overlook criminal activities. They can be bribed to create false information on ID cards, passports and birth certificates. By this bribery and creation of false information traffickers rule the upper hand of human trafficking. (Causes of Human Trafficking)


Human Trafficking in Different Parts of the World:


The United States:


The United States of America is a transit and destination country for trafficking in persons. Statistics show that 14,500 to 17,500, primarily women and children, are trafficked to the United States annually. The U.S. government is strongly committed to fighting human trafficking in the United States and abroad. Laws and acts have been passed in America to help the prevention of human trafficking. One law is, The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. This act enhances pre-existing criminal penalties, affords new protections to trafficking victims and makes available certain benefits and services to victims of severe forms of trafficking. This act also provides federal services to provide to trafficked victims. (United States)





India is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. Indian children, men and women have debt bondage. They face forced labor working in rice mills and embroidery factories. Women and girls are trafficked in the country for sexual exploitations and forced marriages. Children are forced into factory jobs. Children have also been used for soldiers. India is also a destination for women and girls from Nepal and Bangladesh trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. Men and women from Bangladesh and Nepal are trafficked through India for forced labor and sexual exploitation in the Middle East. (Indian Crime Stats)





In China, as in many other Asian countries, girl's and women fall prey to traffickers. The traffickers force them to provide sexual exploitation abroad. Both sexes of Chinese people migrate all over the world to work at unskilled jobs and a significant number of them fall prey to force servitude. Reports also state that a number of Chinese people are forced to work in China itself. The Chinese government has passed laws saying that human trafficking is illegal in China. These laws are not enough since there's a great magnitude of traffickers in China.  (Human trafficking in China, 2006)


(Human Trafficking Map)


The Actors Involved in Human Trafficking:


United States:

The U.S. government has passed laws in order to stop human trafficking. In April of 2003, President Bush passed an act called the PROTECT Act. This federal law is designed to increase the authority of U.S. police officers so that they can prosecute U.S. citizens who travel outside of the U.S. to abuse children. This law makes it possible to prosecute with ought having to prove prior intent to commit a crime. The law also establishes that there are no limitations concerning any sexual crimes against minors. Also in 2003, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act was reopened. This act was reopened to make changes in countries that have problems with human trafficking while ignoring the problem for many years. (Gemmel, Nico)



(Human Trafficking Chart)





Causes of Human Trafficking. Retrieved September 22, 2009, from www.solidaritycenter.org/files/IndoTraffickingFactSheetCauses.pdf.


Gemmel, Nico. The Effects of Modern Day Slavery on the Economy. Retrieved September 22, 2009, from http://cndls.georgetown.edu/applications/posterTool/index.cfm?fuseaction=poster.display&posterID=1752.


Human Trafficking Chart. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from https://rlsh-manual.com/images/chart.gif.


Human Trafficking in China. (March 2006). Retrieved September 22, 2009, from http://www.voanews.com/uspolicy/archive/2006-03/2006-03-24-voa3.cfm?moddate=2006-03-24.


Human Trafficking Picture. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from https://rlsh-manual.com/images/human_trafficking.jpg.


Human Trafficking Map. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from http://bagpipeonline.com/uploads/2009/01/human_trafficking_map.jpg.


Indian Crime Stats. Retrieved September 22, 2009, from http://www.nationmaster.com/country/in-india/cri-crime.


United States. Retrieved September 22, 2009, from http://www.humantrafficking.org/countries/united_states_of_america.



Comments (2)

Kori Atwood said

at 11:06 am on Sep 25, 2009

Good start. Make sure you include what rights are being violated (and citations in your text - especially when you are using statistics).

Samuel said

at 12:20 am on Sep 29, 2009

cool page hari

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