
Imprisonment and Detention

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     Imprisonment and Dentention


Rights being violated

     The problem that exists with Imprisonment and Detention is that countries have been taking prisoners and putting them in detention centers without the person being aware of why they are being detained and to what law they have broken to be put into jail which is a violation of human rights as said in Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which consists of “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, Detention or exile.” As well as the rights of Article 3 “Everyone has the freedom to life, liberty and security of person.”


Reason for illegal dentention 

     Many of the people that have been detained illegally are kept because the Government that has detained them thinks they are a threat in some way, and so they are kept for crimes that they are suspected of committing but with no real proof of the crimes and they are not put on trial for the alleged crimes

Example of places violating these rights

Picture taken from: http://media3.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/gallery/090122/GAL-09Jan22-1433/media/PHO-09Jan22-147301.jpg

Guantanamo Bay 

     Guantanamo bay is a prime example of a place that violates the rights of people by having its prisoners kept in the detention facility with no formal trial being placed, the prisoners are unaware of their rights and there have been accounts of torture that have happened to its prisoners. In 2006 there was a compiled list that was released by the pentagon that held the names of 558 known detainees and former detainees but there are still names that have not been released or confirmed such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh who were thought of as 2 of the planners of 9/11 and the list also does not name other top Al-Qaida figures, the list that was released also did not say as to what happened to former detainees.

     Tibet and China

Photo taken from: http://media.monstersandcritics.com/galleries/1134983/0129910750085.jpg


     Tibet is another example of these rights being denied as people have been arrested for expressing their religious and political beliefs. The prisons are not kept to any standard with its filthy conditions and the people that have been imprisoned have been tortured and mistreated. There have also been politically prisoners taken by the Chinese government and treated the same way. They have been taken without trial for up to four years. Over 700 people have been identified and political prisoners in Tibet that have been named and confirmed by human rights groups. The political prisoners are kept through regulations that have been named by the Chinese as re-education through labor.    


Photo taken from: http://gdb.rferl.org/CC822CBA-09AD-43DE-A747-42C060DA0745_mw800_mh600.jpg


     Chechnya also has a major problem with imprisonment and detention. There have been reports of people being kidnapped, tortured and murdered. A militia force that exists in Chechnya called the Kadyrovtsy has been accused of being the main group responsible for the killings and kidnappings, but Chechnya’s president Kadyrov denies these claims. Though he did admit there are some elements of the group that are less than desirable.

What can be done to Change these wrongs

Photo taken from: http://20.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_koljfj3VqQ1qa03iao1_500.jpg


     Countries have been demanding the closing and release of political prisoners such as the ones in Guantanamo bay. In order to support the release of political prisoners one could join protests against China for oppressing Tibet much like the protests during the Olympics held in China. One could also write to their Senator in order to bring attention to the issues going on around the world that the United States should get involved or at least address the problem.





“Europe Urged to Protect Guantanamo Detainees Who Cannot Be Returned Home.”

Amnesty.org. Amnesty International, n.d. Retrieved September 28, 2009 from




“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” Un.org. United Nations, n.d. Retrieved September 28. 2009 from http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/


“Violation of Human Rights in Tibet.” Childrenoftibet.org. Children of Tibet, n.d. Retrieved September 28, 2009 from http://www.childrenoftibet.org/issues/human-rights-in-tibet.php


“Names of the Detained.” Washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post, n.d. Retrieved September 28, 2009 from http://projects.washingtonpost.com/guantanamo/


“Regions and Territories: Chechnya” bbc.co.uk. British Broadcasting Corporation, May, 13, 2009. Retrieved September 28, 2009 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/2565049.stm





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