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Racial Discrimination

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Saved by Will
on September 24, 2009 at 12:42:17 pm

     The worlds discrimination






          Racial discrimination is defined by dictionary.reference.com as a unruly or unfair behavior afflicted on individuals based on there race. The united states has a great level of diversity with race. It is illegal to discriminate people by race. These areas include employment, housing, accommodations, real estate buying, provision of goods and services, accessing public places, using public transportation services and in advertising.


          The civil rights act of 1964 protects individuals against employment discrimination on the cases of race, national origin, sex, and religious beliefs. The U.S equal Employment Oppuortunity Commission( http://www.eeoc.gov/types/races.html The law has not stop racism entirely, but it was one of the many steps to better the United States. To date we the United States of America is one of the most diverse nations in the world.


http://shortsalesriches.com/blog/home-prices-fall-in-major-u-s-cities (for photo one)

http://www.legalcybertips.com/Discrimination/Racial-Discrimination-And-Hispanics-In-The-United-States.html (for photo two)

     Places where racism still occur


  • Europe 
  • Austria
  • Africa
  • Middle east
  • Asia
  • North America

N. Americas



          Racism in the united states is still well know to be active. Some examples of racism is: racial profiling, affirmative actions, and police brutalities against minorities, the history of slavery, and now the United States is trying to prevent migration of people into are country.

     Racial profiling is when police set a certain race of one suspect. They target that race entirly. For example





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