Violence Against Women
Worldwide Problem:
Misogyny, or hatred of women.
Around the world, in every country, violence against women is a problem. It is one of the most common violations of human rights. Women's rights are taken away when they suffer physical, sexual and economic abuse. Women and girls of all ages and races are affected. It doesn't matter their culture or religion, women have rights too. Around the world there are many different types of abuse. The differences come from different societies, religions and cultures. The most common form of violence around the world is domestic and sexual violence. It then turns into harmful or deadly abuse. Femicide needs to end. (UNIFEM)
Women aren't seen equally to men. Therefore, they're rights must not be the same. Violence against women occurs usually because the male is very controlling. Males believe they have the right to control the relationship with women (Daniel J. DeNoon). Violence against women is happening world wide. Since the problem is world wide, there are different traditions that are seen as "acceptable" (Mr. José Antonio Ocampo). This is why fixing the problem is difficult. The basic idea of men having control is behind every case of abuse, no matter the country (Daniel J. DeNoon). In some 102 countries there is no legal action that is taken against domestic violence and in 53 nations marital rape is not a prosecutable offence (UNIFEM). Part of the reason violence against women occurs is because women don't report their case. If their case is reported, it is not always handled in the correct fashion. In some countries there are no consequences for abusing women.
-Rape and domestic violence were more dangerous than cancer, motor vehicle accidents, war and malaria. (UNIFEM)
-For women and girls 16–44 years old, violence is a major cause of death and disability. (UNIFEM)
-1,366 South African women showed that women who were beaten by their partners were 48 percent more likely to be infected with HIV than those who were not. (UNIFEM)
-In most of the world, 29 percent to 62 percent of women have suffered physical or sexual violence at the hands of an intimate partner. (Daniel J. DeNoon)
-4 million women and girls are trafficked annually. (
-Only 1/2 of domestic violence is reported. (
-Every 2 minutes a women is assaulted (
-More than 1/2 of rape victims happen before the age of 18. (
1) Bride-napping. This happens throughout Central Asia. Young girls are abducted, raped and, forced into marriage.
2) Breast-ironing. Traditional practic of West African countries. This tradtion is used to avert attetion of males.
3) Child Marriage. This takes place in the world's poorest nations. Girls are unable to complete their eduacation, have a greater risk of getting HIV, and
dying at childbirth. (Medical News Today)
UNIFEM was made to end the problem of violence against women and gender inequality. The goals of United Nations Development Fund for Women are to further expose information about abuse towards women, set legal standards, and find ways to prevent violence. November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This day reminds women to stand up and speak out against violence. (United Nations)
“Lord Alderdice marks day for the elimination of violence against women.” Liberal International.
. 9/22/09
“Femicide: There’s not enough outrage.” Atonia Zerbisias.
. 9/16/09
“Women At Risk.” Bob Herbert.
“Violence Against Women A Global Problem.” Daniel J. DeNoon.,2933,218374,00.html. 10/6/06.
“Violence Against Women: Stories You Rarely Hear About. “ Medical News Today.
“Violence against women, causes and costs of a global curse.” Mr. José Antonio Ocampo. 12/15/06
“Ending Violence Against Women Must Become Serious Global Priority.” Oisika Chakrabarti.
“UN Calls for Strong Action to Eliminate Violence Against Women.” United Nations. 11/25/05
"Violence against Women." United Nations Development Fund for Women. (UNIFEM) 9/14/09
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